Nurturing Worth Schedule and Fees
Nurturing Worth's Homeschool Enrichment Program and Daycare Program
exclusively serves only up to fourteen children at a time
from 2 to 6 years of age during the school year
and up to age 12 during the summer!
Morning or Afternoon Schedule (8:30am-12:30pm or 12:30-4:30pm)
1 Day/Week..................... $300 monthly
2 Days/Week................... $580 monthly
3 Days/Week.................... $800 monthly
4 Days/Week.................... $960 monthly
5 Days/Week..................... $1,120 monthly
Full Day Schedule (8:30am-4:30pm)
1 Day/Week..................... $580 monthly
2 Days/Week................... $960 monthly
3 Days/Week.................... $1,250 monthly
4 Days/Week.................... $1,500 monthly
5 Days/Week..................... $1,700 monthly
Morning/Afternoon and Full Day Schedule
*Inquire with Kelsey the various combinations and fees
Hourly rate is $15
Drop-Ins per session are $50
Tuition payment: Tuition is due on the 1st of each month.
*Registration Fee for new students - $100 (non-refundable)
**Materials Fee - $400
***10% sibling and military discounts!***